Ok, so everyone thinks that the asking out is the hard part. Yeah, it can be scary and rejection is tough, but what happens after the girl you've been eyeing across the living room during your YSA FHE says "yes" when you finally build up the courage to ask her out. What now$%: You need a game plan, but you don't want to do the standard LDS date of a movie (preferably of a G rating), punch and cookies, and then the super spiritual discussion that always seems to follow. You just want her to have fun, and you don't want to be lame. LDS dating can be tough, especially when you get into the same old dating routine. So here are some unique ideas for that special date you would rather not bore to death.
LDS Fortune Cookies - Ok, I know what your thinking, and it's a lot simpler than you may think without having to figure out a way to get a bunch fortune cookies from a Chinese restaurant, get the tiny slip of paper out of the cookie without breaking it, and then slipping another of your own back inside, without breaking it again. Just make your own. There are simple recipes that you can find on the internet that will explain exactly how to make your very own fortune cookies, and then you can create your own LDS fortunes to put inside. Some LDS fortunes, for example, could be: "You can only change yourself, so start with your attitude", "Be an example by choosing the right, even when you are alone", or "Gratitude is the first step towards future blessings".
Flea Market - Go to a flea market and find cheap, random items that are interesting and make up stories about the imaginary previous owner. Whoever can come up with the best story has to buy the other ice cream. Or you can learn how to haggle prices at a flea market, so not only will your date be entertained, she will learn a skill too, and you can't have too many of those... like, the old LDS saying, "don't bury your talents", here's your time to shine!
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Finger Painting Pictionary - It's not just for kids. Go to a craft store, buy some finger paints and a huge piece of butcher paper for your canvas, and write a large number of LDS things on strips of paper to play from. I think you know where I'm going with this, instead of drawing with a pencil, pen or marker, use your fingers and paint! It's fun and messy and also a good opportunity to flirt with paint.
Dessert Contest - If there is one thing to be said about LDS culture, if there is food, people will show up. Same goes for LDS dating... you can never go wrong with a date that involves food. So for a group date, have a dessert making contest. Make and then sample all of the desserts and see which couple is compatible enough to make an award winning dessert.
Hopefully, one of these LDS dating ideas will inspire your date to be smitten with you because of your creativity and thoughtfulness. She won't know what hit her when you bust out finger paints instead of a well worn DVD of the "Single's Ward". Good luck!
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